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Ask an Energy Expert – Joe Anderson – CEO – Black Sheep Utilities Ltd

With the approach of winter and the inevitability of energy prices rising Black Sheep are on hand to help, we understand that unfortunately when the temperature drops the prices tend to rise.

We sat down with Black Sheep’s business energy guru and CEO Joe Anderson to share some of his top tips. Winter is a challenging time for businesses especially in the UK, with our unpredictable weather and fluctuating temperatures. However, here are some simple things businesses can do to save money and cut costs.


Make use of south-facing windows.

It’s almost impossible to predict the weather in the UK, but on that rare occasion when the sun is out, use it. Make sure your south-facing windows are clear of any obstructions. One thing we see a lot in warehouses, garages and workshops etc are windows that have things lent against them or are unclean. The heat from the sun, even in winter, can make a significant difference to the heat inside a building, so you can turn the thermostat down and take advantage of the sun’s heat.

I dont want to sound like your Father here, but close that door behind you, youre letting the cold in


Cover drafts and close the door behind you – Just ask an energy expert!

“I don’t want to sound like your Father here”, said Joe, “but close that door behind you, you’re letting the cold in”. 70% of heat is lost through drafts and open doors. Think about when you’re cooking, if you open the oven door for any longer than a second you lose all its heat and the oven must go into overdrive to get the heat back up once it’s closed again, your business space is no different.

In the UK, we seem to have a habit of having our water temperature so high you almost melt the sink, its an unexplainable trait and it needs to stop


Lower your water temperature

I’m not sure why this is, but for some reason, in the UK we seem to have a habit of having our water temperature so high you almost melt the sink, it’s an unexplainable trait and it needs to stop. The optimum water temperature is 60°C, so reducing your business water to 60°C could save you up to 30% on your overall energy costs. It will also save you a fortune in ice packs!


out of contact rates are often much higher and its all too easy to find yourself in a situation where youre paying far too much on your overall energy


Make sure you don’t fall into out of contract rates

One of the biggest mistakes businesses make is falling into out of contract rates. The most widespread problem customers have when I speak with them is they have fallen into the auto renewal trap, out of contact rates are often much higher and it’s all too easy to find yourself in a situation where you’re paying far too much on your overall energy. I have lost count of how much I have saved our customers just by setting up a new contract for them, they take advantage of a fixed rate and avoid paying out of contract rates.


Black Sheep specialise in business energy solutions and management. If you would like to hear more regarding how to save money on your own business energy and how to get a better deal, then don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Black Sheep can be contacted on 01273 914000 or [email protected]

Alternatively, you can also book a call back appointment with one of the Black Sheep team.

Contact us

01273 914000

Telecom House,
125-135 Preston Road

Brighton & Hove
East Sussex
[email protected]